3 Jul 2015

Little Miss Penguin Bloom

Mirabelle loves happy pets, whether they be a doggie, a hedgehog, a chicken, a unicorn, or a magpie! Penguin Bloom is a clever little bird who has bridged the gap between life in high places and human dwellings. She was rescued as a baby by Noah Bloom and raised by the whole family in Newport, New South Wales, Australia. She is free as a bird to fly as she pleases, and is always welcome home, where she is known to sneak in, especially on wet nights. She has remarkably bonded with her adoptive family. The little darling has also become an Instagram sensation, with a following of 89K subscribers! Who can resist the cuteness of it all? I certainly can't!

Source: All photography via the Penguin Bloom Instagram account, except (5). Browsing little Penguin's Instagram account is guaranteed to bring instant sunshine to your day! Scores of adorable, cracking pictures! (1) 'Drying off after a shower' (04-Aug-2014). (2) 'Noah wishing he could fly away with me' (26-Mar-2015). (3) 'Seriously need my own headphones' (06-Sept-2014). (4) 'Giving some advice and a little extra weight' (23-May- 2015). (5) Photography via the Cameron Bloom Instagram account: 'Myola road sure can wear you out' (25-Mar-2015). (6) 'High heels' (26-Jun-2015). (7) 'Tuesday morning pump' (09-Sept-2014). (8) 'Freedom' (03-Jun-2015). (9) 'I've been gone 8 days and this morning thought I'd better come home and say hi.' (14-Apr-2015). (10) 'Where we going Roo?' (06-Dec-2014). (11) 'Rain inspired beauty shoot' (13-Sept-2014). (12) 'Love transcends all colours' (11-Jun-2015).

★ 15-Aug-2015 Update: Things have progressed into Super-Stardom for our Penguin! She has clocked over 95.9k followers on Instagram to date, not to mention that she now has her dedicated website. And can you believe that she has a book in the offing, due for release 1st April 2016 (no joke!), to be published by ABC Books! Book photography by Penguin's dad, Cameron Bloom, and narrative by New York Times best-selling author Bradley Trevor Greive. Now Penguin, all these grand achievements of yours make up what we call 'Girl Power'! Read Penguin's story here and pre-order her book here.


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